May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Saturday, November 20, 2010

One Year

One year ago today, a boy came to my door with roses. We made popcorn and watched Up. :) It was that day with much nervousness (at least on my part) that we decided to start publicly pursuing a relationship. Since that day, my life has been full of learning experiences and growth, hard times, good times, scary times, sweet times and much laughter. Thank you sweetie for a whole year of being there for me, praying with me, putting up with me, taking and giving advice. Thank you for pursuing God with your whole heart, and for being the calm in my storms. For being completely silly and making me laugh. This has been a great and profitable time. :) Happy Anniversary. 

Monday, November 8, 2010


Friends you *thought* you knew suddenly go completely insane...

Other friends move away either to get married or to go to college...

Things you thought for sure were going to happen are no longer to be; and dear people are hurt because of it...

You become far too impatient with people...

Almost everyone is changing around you and you begin to doubt where your life is taking you...

And for some reason it's incredibly hard to do a simple thing like open up your Bible and read a chapter in the morning.

Sometimes you just want a pity party. Then you feel guilty because you realize that you really don't have it that bad. But you're tired and just want a break already. Or at least some chocolate.